Rocky Golden Mountain dog - Male - Sold to Liam
Rocky is the Largest male puppy in the litter, and is 20 Lbs at 9 weeks old. He is a beautiful “Brindle” Golden Mountain Dog, although there is no guarantee that he will still be brindle when fully grown. He has four brindle feet, a white spot on His Chest and the cutest brindle eyebrows. Rocky is extremely sweet little boy, He loves to play and nap in equal amounts. Rocky tends to be more chill and laid back.
His Parents are “Fat Mabel” and Chevy. “Fat Mabel” is our beloved female “Bernese Mountain Dog” and “Chevy” is our beautiful cream colored “Golden Retriever” male. Both parents are pure reds and AKC registered, they are both close to or just under 100 lbs. in weight, are both extremely sweet and friendly dogs, are eager to please and love to go for swims in the creek.